Insecurity or Pride? {India Werner}

               Today, I am going to let you in on a secret.  One of my greatest insecurities is this: I often struggle to feel qualified as a singer and pianist.  I shy away from singing in front of skilled and trained musicians because I simply do not feel “good enough”.  Yes, I love to sing, and God has blessed Lois and I with a music ministry.  However, I have neither formal training nor a music degree.  My mind tells me that this fact makes me inferior as a musician.

               Last year, I was lamenting to my husband that I had been asked to sing in a large church that was rich in trained musicians.  Those professionals would immediately spot my lack of skill.  There would be no fooling anyone!  Why couldn’t that church have asked someone else to sing instead of me?

               My husband told me the truth that I needed to hear.  That church did not ask me to sing because of my skill level.  They asked me to sing because God uses it when I do.  It is not about my musical talent; it is about glorifying God.  It is not about my lack of credentials; it is about a willingness to serve. 

               My focus was far too much on myself and not enough on God.  Many times, insecurity is just pride masked in modesty.  It is important to strive for excellence in music, but it is God’s gift to me for His glory and the edifying of His people.  I must practice and improve my techniques more for the intent of being a better servant rather than being a better musician. 

               Have you ever battled with feeling underqualified?  Do you have a hobby or skill for your own enjoyment that you try not to tell people about just because you’re not “good enough”?  Remember this: all we do should be for God’s glory.  It is not about being the best or the most talented.  I challenge you to look around your church and note the people who are always serving.  They are not usually the people with the most time, money, or even the best health.  They are the people who are willing to say, “He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 10:17)

Comments · 3

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I feel that way in your presence and Miss Lois. There are many areas where I don’ t feel “good enough”. I needed this reminder to seek God’s will in everything and strive to bring glory to Him. God bless you, Miss India. Love to you and the family, Dr bone Study.

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