Free Indeed! A Testimony of God’s Mercy and Grace

Hello friends, today I wanted to talk about a book that I read this week.  I read quite a bit, and sometimes I read something that I wish everyone could read!  The book, “Free Indeed!”, by Katie DePew, is one of those books. 

A couple of weeks ago, this lady contacted us and said that our music had been a blessing to her and that she wanted to be an encouragement in return by sharing her testimony in a book that she wrote.  When I started reading her story, I was blown away and couldn’t put it down until I finished it!  Katie DePew shares her incredible true story in a way that makes you praise the Lord for the way He is still working in our lives today!  It reminded me that no one is too lost to be sought after and saved by the Shepherd.

I don’t want to give away the details, but Katie had a very difficult road before she ever heard the Gospel.  My heart broke for her as I read about all she went through as a child and then a young woman.  She felt worthless, and tried every means to fill the void in her heart until she found love and mercy at the feet of Jesus. 

If you or someone you know has struggled with depression, addiction, guilt from the past, or finding your worth, this book will offer hope in the only One Who can set you free!  It is not a long book, which makes it readable for even someone who doesn’t love to read.  If you are involved in any type of ministry, I highly recommend buying some copies to keep on hand. 

How to order a copy for $5:

Email Katie at 

For payment she uses PayPal, cash app, Venmo.  With the PayPal option, it would be nice if you choose the option for sending to a friend as it helps her avoid additional fees, as she tries to keep this book really affordable ?

I know you will be encouraged by Katie’s story.  Have a great weekend! – India

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