Prayer and Praise – A Baby Update {India Werner}


Psalm 34:1-4 says “ I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul shall make her boast in the Lord: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.

O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.

I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

I watched a livestream service this morning and the pastor preached on how important it is to praise the Lord no matter what. This came at a very timely moment for me as less than an hour ago we were receiving results from a couple of high-risk doctors here at Winnie Palmer Hospital. 

While we were in India, my OB gave me a heads up that the ultrasound was showing a possible complication for delivery, but she was optimistic that it would resolve itself. However, when we got back to the States, the ultrasound showed that the situation had become even more complex. I will spare you the confusing details, but basically we are looking at problems with the placenta that put my health in jeopardy.

The good news is that baby Sophie is doing very well and is measuring beautifully! I am at 32 weeks and five days. I continually praise the Lord that she is healthy because I would much rather have the high-risk factor be for me than for her! I do not take her health for granted as it is a true answer to prayer.

I ended up in the hospital on Friday night with a lot of pelvic pain, which turned out to be contractions (I’ve only ever had back labor before so I couldn’t tell if I was just crazy or if I should go get checked out). My local hospital transferred me to Winnie and after that bumpy ambulance ride, I could tell they were real contractions and I was really hurting. Thankfully they were able to slow the contractions and give me shots to speed up the baby’s lung development. They were quick to run tests, though we didn’t hear results until today.

Right now we don’t know what exactly will happen. The doctor told us this morning that the longest they will let me go is to 36 weeks. He is consulting with the whole high-risk team this week so we can get a better idea. The potential for major surgery after the C-section is there, but we are hopeful for the best outcome because we know our God is greater! 

Please specifically pray for Baby Sophie’s health and protection throughout this time. We chose the name Sophie because it means “wisdom” in Greek. At first it was just a random name that Zack liked (in my mind), but now I have begun to see God’s wisdom throughout this season of life and, well…the name Sophie is so fitting now. 

As for my health, please pray that we can come out on the other side of this with as few surgical complications as possible. My past surgical history (colectomy and proctectomy) make everything more tricky and even change the way that things appear on ultrasound and MRI. However, we know that God has us exactly where we need to be right now and we praise Him for that.

We will give another update when we have one! Until then, we are thankful and at peace to follow the Lord through this time. Waiting for a plan to be put in place can be hard, but Psalm 34:4 is exactly where I’m at right now: “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

Comments · 17

  1. Praying daily for you and your whole family!!!!! So Thankful for God’s Protection throughout this season of life!!!!!! Love the name that is soooooo fitting!!!!!!! Do take care and thanks for the updates!!!!!! God Bless!!!!!! Love and prayers, Lois Donley

  2. Praying for a healthy baby and momma! And that there will be no complications requiring any major surgeries! God will take care of you both. May God bless you and give you peace and comfort during this difficult time in your life.

  3. Praying for you. The hospital and staff are some of the best but our God is greater than all and with prayer we know God will have the say on the outcome. Praying for you all during this time.

  4. Praying for your health & baby Sophie’s health, also praying that God will continue to keep you and Zack thinking positively. Also praying for the three babies at home. I’m so glad you’re home where you have such a large support system!

  5. I am praying for you, India. My half-sister had two boys two years apart both born at 26 weeks, and both are doing well today at ages 4 and 6. One had virtually no amniotic fluid left by birth, but he has healthy lungs today. I know the danger relates to you more than to Sophie, but I pray the Lord will pull you through as He has with your previous medical conditions.

  6. You are in my daily prayers and have been praying for you and the baby since I heard of your pregnancy. The Lord gave you this baby and he will watch and take care of you like he has always been. Praying for Zach and the children as well.
    My sister is a Nurse at Winny Palmer ( Elena Martinez) in your area. I’ll ask her to take good care of you.
    Love you India and will not stop praying for you.

  7. Know you are in good hands and our Great God will protect you. All my love and prayers are with you all. Love the name and meaning of Sophie.

  8. Thank you India for this update. Will be praying for you and little Sophie. I heard a song this morning while getting ready for church that said, When we are going through a storm, that God sees the storm from the other side. He is already on the other side of your storm and He is in total control.

  9. Prayers are coming your way. I love the name…baby Sophie. Thank you for the update. All is in God’s hands. Love you all.

  10. My dear India (and Zachary),
    We both know how well God provides and protects but it is so hard to sit and wait to see what he has in mind. I will continue to pray and wait with you to see his plan. Love you both!

  11. Praying for you Lois, as well as sweet baby Sophie and Zach and the children.
    Asking the Lord to fill you all with HIS peace as You look to Him for Your strength, comfort and wisdom.
    Mr. Camp and I love you all so very much ❤

  12. Praying for a peace that passeth all understanding as you and Zach walk through this trial together. Yes, He will deliver you and baby Sophia safely and healthy. Nothing is impossible with God!

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